Train the Trainer

“Train the Trainer” session has been completed successfully again!
Employees of the customer have been specially flown in again from another part of the world to be trained. One of the trainees came from Taiwan and another from Korea. During two weeks, they stayed in Eindhoven to receive a daily specific training at BKL in Nuenen. The training was partly theoretical but the practical activities were just as important.

First, our trainers pay the necessary attention to the theory by providing a complete explanation of all aspects. During the theoretical disquisition all these aspects are discussed from the manual. Subsequently, an extensive demonstration by our trainers is given at the simulation machine. At this demonstration, all installation, use, and safety aspects from the manual are the base principles. Afterwards, an opportunity is offered to practice independently and to demonstrate the acquired subject matter. The final goal is the awareness that safety risks can arise when the manual is not followed carefully.

BKL has all facilities in-house
An important part of the training is actually connecting the installation to a machine. For this matter, BKL has a simulation model of the machines of the customer. That the candidates can practice extensively and independently with the hoisting and lifting tools is a great advantage. As this concerns specific tools, a combination of theory and practice is therefore very important.

Target group
Participation in these trainings is, in agreement with the customer, reserved specifically to instructors (“Trainers”) of the customer. In turn, they can take care of training their own employees in their own training centers. Safely exchanging modules of the machines by fully trained end users is the final goal that has to be achieved.

Annual planning
Annually, in consultation with the customer, a number of sessions are planned over the entire year. Availability of the trainers and employees of the customer demands a tight schedule. The hoisting and lifting tools are part of the service organization of the customer. The availability of these tools is an important factor in making the training sessions a great success.

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